1. 出具资格证书(即I-20或 DS-2019表格)
2. 维护现有F-1和J-1签证者的数据
3. 汇报重大事件
1. J类教授及研究学者最长参与访学项目年限从3年提高到5年。五年不是累加的,而是连续五年。一旦回国则视为放弃。
2. 2年的本国拘留限制适用于已完成J类教授及研究学者访学项目并准备重新申请获得J类访学项目的人员。
3. 这个规定适用于在2006年11月18日或以后完成J类教授及研究学者访学项目的人员;即适用于2006年11月18日以后仍然拥有J类教授及研究学者身份的人员。J类人员在DS-2019表的第四部分可见。
无论访学人员访学时间为几个月或是满5年,2年本国居留限制令都同样生效。一旦访学项目结束,SEVIS记录同时失效,五年的访学最大期限即被关闭,访学人员必须在本国停留2年才可以J 类教授及研究学者身份开始新的项目。要充分利用J 类教授及研究学者的5年期限,访学人员需要连续5年在研以便使SEVIS记录保持生效状态。5年中未被使用的时间一旦项目结束就清零,不会保留至下次。
如果你受两年本国居留令的限制,便不可以在2年期间以J 类教授及研究学者身份回美。但你可以J-1类其他身份或者其他种类的签证回美。你还可以考虑在现有的DS-2019表过期的日期之前延长你的J-1在美居留时间。(项目结束日期参见DS-2019表的第3部分)
Understanding SEVIS
SEVIS is the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System, an electronic system by which student and scholar data is transmitted directly to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. On October 1, 2001, a U.S. law passed called the "Patriot Act" that mandated schools to use SEVIS to report certain data on individuals with F-1 and J-1 status to the government.
There are three main components of SEVIS:
1. Production of the Certificate of Eligibility (I-20 or DS-2019)
2. Maintaining current F-1 and J-1 records
3. Reporting events
24-Month Bar for J-1 Visitors
In January 2007, the US Department of State (DOS) issued a final ruling affecting the J Professor and Research Scholar categories. These changes were retroactive to November 18, 2006. The rules are as follows:
· The maximum period of participation for J Professors and Researcher Scholars increased from three years to five years. The five year period is not an aggregate of five years; it is a continuous period given to a participant on a "use it or lose it" basis.
· The 24-month bar on repeat participation in the J Professor or Research Scholar categories will apply to those who complete their program participation in those categories.
· This rule applies to any J Professor and Research Scholar who completes their J program on or after November 18, 2006; meaning any J Professor or Research Scholar in active status after 11/18/06 would be subject to the bar. The J category is found in Section 4 on the DS-2019.
Understanding the 24-Month Bar
Any individual who participates in an Exchange Visitor (EV) program in the Professor or Research Scholar categories on or after 11/18/06 is subject to a 24-month bar on "repeat participation" in those categories. Scholars subject to the bar may not return to the US as a J-1 scholar in the Professor or Research Scholar categories for a 24-month period.
The 24-month bar will be in effect regardless of whether status in the program is a few months in duration or the full five years allowed. Whenever an exchange program ends and the SEVIS record becomes "inactive", the five-year window is "closed" and the individual must wait 24 months before beginning a new program as a J Professor or Research Scholar. To take advantage of the full five years of the Professor or Research Scholar category, the visitor would need to have an appointment of five continuous years to keep his/her SEVIS record active. Unused time from the five-year window may not be saved for use later.
Example: A professor who comes in J1 status for a single academic year, or a research scholar who comes for four months, and then goes home without having his/her SEVIS record kept open and active in their absence, would not be able to access the remainder of the five year period of eligibility. They would be subject to the 24-month bar and would not be eligible to return to the US as a J-1 Professor or Research Scholar at any institution until the 24-months (two year) time frame has passed.
Am I Subject to the 24 Month Bar?
Any J Exchange Visitor in the Research Scholar or Professor categories (and their J-2 dependents) whose program ends after 11/18/06 is subject to this ruling.
J exchange visitors in the Short-Term Scholar or Student categories are not subject to the 24-month bar.
Your Future Options
If you are subject to the 24 month bar, you will not be able to return to the US as a J-1 scholar in the Professor or Research Scholar categories for a two year period. However, you may be able to return in a different J-1 category or with a different type of visa. You may also consider extending your current J-1 status for a longer period, if possible, before the current end date on the DS-2019. (You can find your program end date in Section 3 on your DS-2019).
Two Year Home Residency
The two year home residency requirement is different and separate from the 24-month bar. Visitors in any J category may be subject to the two year home residency requirement. More Information